7 Writing Skills in Freelancing

While the majority of customers still plan on using the phone for critical issues, many more said they’ll use some sort of written communication to get help found recent research published by Zendesk.
Get ready to write! Customers will increasingly type, not call, in the coming years.
writing skills
  • 43% will use more email
  • 31% will use more online tools, and
  • 19% will chat more.

Get ready now

To get ready for the increase in written communication, front-line service and sales reps will need to be more proficient at reading and writing, says Leslie O’Flahavan, E-WRITE principal and author of Clear, Correct, Concise Email: A Writing Workbook for Customer Service Agents.
Here are seven skills you’ll want your training to address so front-line reps can handle the rising demand.

1. Critical reading
2. Time management
3. Effective questioning
4. Empathy
5. Humility
6. Adaptability
7. Grammar and spelling
